Форекс Обучение

what is social networking

В статье анализируется социальная сеть как социологическое понятие и основой современный фактор коммуникации. Описан механизм самоидентификации через социальные сети. Этот день призван обратить внимание на важность цифровых компетенций стратегии для форекс и их многогранность в современном мире. В преддверии what is social networking праздника Аналитический центр НАФИ провел исследование по сравнению цифровых компетенций жителей России, Казахстана и Беларуси. В основе анализа – более 10 тысяч тестирований граждан, проведенных на платформе «Цифровой гражданин» с начала этого года.

Is WhatsApp a social media?

The major social media platforms (at the moment) are Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and Snapchat, with Facebook being the largest social media platform at nearly 3 billion people using it monthly. To make things easier, we researched the top social media platforms in 2023.

What are the 5 social relationships?

It gives special honor to the Five Key Relationships of Confucianism, which are ruler to subject, father to son, husband to wife, elder to younger and friend to friend.

Форекс Обучение

reverse triangular merger перевод на русский с английского PROMT One Переводчик

what is reverse merger

В статье рассматривается альтернативный способ выхода компании на фондовый рынок путем проведения сделки по слияниям или поглощениям (Mergers and Acquisitions, M&A). Автор делает выводы о вероятности выбора IPO (Initial Public Offering) и сделки M&A в зависимости от характеристик рынка. Целью данного исследования является анализ механизма проведения обратных поглощений на американском внебиржевом рынке ценных бумаг OTC Markets Group. Были выявлены трудности и обоснована необходимость выбора листинга с черного входа. Автор проанализировал ограничения и требования, предъявляемые Комиссией США по ценным бумагам и биржам (Securities & Exchange Commission, SEC) к компаниям, торгуемым в одной из трех категорий OTCQX, OTCQB и OTC Pink.

Who pays who in a merger?

In a merger transaction, there is a two-sided valuation question. While in an acquisition, the buying party is typically bringing cash to the transaction (cash being easy to value), the merger parties are effectively both paying for the transaction with stock.

Однако в будущем благодаря тому, что IPO обеспечит компанию публично торгуемыми акциями, можно провести поглощение, используя их как способ оплаты. Считается, что технология обратных поглощений была введена в деловую практику Армандом Хаммером, который в 1950 г. Создал Occidental Petroleum Corp. путем слияния своей нефтяной компании с публичной компанией-оболочкой.

  1. Более того, если фирма покупает компанию — поставщика редкого сырья, которое используется и этой фирмой, и её конкурентами, то в этом случае она может воспользоваться преимуществами свое­го положения и провести ценовое сжатие, т.
  2. С точки зрения фирмы поглощение может быть для неё вы­годным, так как может позволить ей сократить затраты по про­изводству и сбыту продукции, приобрести торговую марку, рас­ширить существующие виды деятельности (или начать новые) или устранить нежелательную конкуренцию и увеличить своё влияние на рынке.
  3. Нисходящая инте­грация может обеспечить рынок сбыта, но также и закрыть его для конкурентов.
  4. Прошла 41 такая сделка, а в США (по разным оценкам) от 84 до 89 обратных поглощений и 251 IPO.
  5. Такая тактика не только служит средством воздейст­вия на существующих конкурентов, но также действует как барьер входа дляпотенциальных новых конкурентов.

Соблюдая упомянутые выше правила, возможно достичь синергии в получении публичного статуса. Обратное слияние (Reverse Merger, RM) — это объединение двух компаний, одна из которых является частной, а другая — публичной, для образования новой компании с публичным статусом. Обратное поглощение (Reverse Acquisition, RA) представляет собой выкуп частной компанией публичной, результатом которого является исчезновение поглощённой компании с приобретение публичного статуса для компании-поглотителя. Далее в статье будет обобщённо использоваться термин «обратное поглощение». Обратное поглощение (англ. reverse merger) — сделка, при которой акционеры частной (непубличной) компании приобретают контроль над публичной компанией, а публичная компания — активы частной компании.

What is forward vs reverse merger?

In a forward triangular merger, the subsidiary survives and the target disappears. In a reverse triangular merger, the target survives and the subsidiary disappears. Because the target survives the merger, both the acquiring and acquired business entities remain in existence.

Смотреть что такое “reverse merger” в других словарях:

Ст., могут стать предметом рассмотрения комиссии по монополиям и слияниям, которая должна определить, не противоречит ли поглощение интере­сам общества. OTC Pink No Information является самым рискованным сектором OTC Markets Group и отличается отсутствием раскрытой отчётности. В этой категории можно встретить несуществующие компании, которые прекратили свою деятельность, а также компании с сомнительными практиками управления и раскрытия информации на рынке. Для поиска компаний-пустышек идеально подойдёт категория OTC Pink15. На данном рынке отсутствуют финансовые стандарты или требования к отчётности.

Здесь представлены компании, которые ограничивают раскрытие своей финансовой информации, являются мусорными или пустыми, а также проблемные компании, которые не хотят или не могут предоставить адекватную информацию инвесторам. Поскольку рынок Pink требует наименьшей степени раскрытия информации о компании, инвесторам настоятельно рекомендуется проявлять осторожность и тщательно изучать компании перед принятием инвестиционных решений. Также присутствуют корпорации из Великобритании (26 компаний, например, Bahamas Petroleum Company, EasyJet, Marks&Spencer Group и другие), а также 4 компании из России — Газпром нефть, ТМК, Ростелеком и РусГидро. Таким образом, горизонтальная интеграция приводит как к положительным, так и отрицательным результатам. Обычно выгодность слияния заключается в достижении боль­шей эффективности за счёт расширения сферы деятельности фирмы. Можно выделить несколько важных источников по­вышения эффективности.

  1. Похоже, слияние через SPAC с израильским трейдинговым приложением eToro, о котором было объявлено в начале 2021 года, теперь под вопросом, потому что оценка компании резко упала, и Коэн ищет новые способы привлечь капитал.
  2. На «медвежьих» рынках «люди более реалистично оценивают подлинную стоимостью своих компаний», говорит она.
  3. Как правило, российские предприятия, участвующие в сделках RM, выбирают в качестве компании-оболочки зарубежную фирму, что представляется предпочтительным в плане увеличения престижа компании и дальнейшей возможности привлечения капитала с емкого зарубежного рынка.
  4. Обратное слияние (Reverse Merger, RM) — это объединение двух компаний, одна из которых является частной, а другая — публичной, для образования новой компании с публичным статусом.
  5. С большой вероятностью можно утверждать, что обратным поглощением воспользовались Ш.

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При сделке третьего типа кредиторы, сотрудники, поставщики, арендодатели и т. Не «переходят» автоматически к новой компании, купившей только активы. При сделке же первого типа сохраняются все корпоративные отношения и обязательства. Третий вариант считается более безопасным для инвесторов, предпочитающих приобретать активы, а не компании. В последние годы Коэн зарекомендовала себя как активный игрок в сфере специализированных компаний по слияниям и поглощениям (SPAC). Она одной из первых начала проводить обратные слияния (reverse merger — сделки, при которых акционеры частной компании приобретают контроль над публичной компанией, а затем устанавливают контроль над активами частной), первую такую сделку она закрыла в марте 2016 года.

Слияния и поглощения, IPO, обратное поглощение, компания-оболочка, what is reverse merger внебиржевой рынок. ВЕРТИКАЛЬНАЯ ИНТЕГРАЦИЯ (verticalintegration) — эле­мент структуры рынка. В целом слияния заключают в себе одновременно и преиму­щества, и недостатки.

Сделки по слияниям и поглощениям как альтернатива IPO Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

Суть обратного поглощения состоит в том, что частная компания становится публичной путем приобретения уже существующей публичной компании (public vehicle), так называемой shell Company — компании-оболочки. Помимо названия, «оболочка» используются еще такие наименования как «ракушка», «пустышка», «зонтик». При этом после окончания обратного поглощения акции на рынке, как правило, торгуются под именем компании, которая ранее была частной, и, как правило, в новом секторе или сегменте бизнеса. В результате получается «публично торгуемая частная компания» 5. Компании, специально созданные для сделки обратного поглощения и не ведущие предпринимательскую деятельность, и ранее функционировавшие компании, которые стали пустышкой (продажа дочерних компаний, банкротство и т.д.), но сохранившие листинг на фондовой бирже.

what is reverse merger

what is reverse merger

Более прозрачными оказались сделки с нефтегазовыми активами в Казахстане (Transmeridian, BMB Munai, PetroKazakhstan) и сделки по «превращению» двух молдавских винодельческих компаний (Lion-Gri и Asconi) в американские 5. 3) Соответствие отчётности закону Сарбейнс-Оксли (Sarbanes-Oxley Act), действие которого распространяется не только на американские компании, но и на все компании, ценные бумаги которых зарегистрированы в SEC24. 2) Эмитент является действующей компанией во всех отчётах, поданных в SEC в течение предшествующего продаже года.

Основные виды реорганизаций в британских компаниях: англоязычные термины и их перевод

С тех пор Коэн и партнеры, в число которых входит ее сын Дэниел, привлекли более $4,2 млрд посредством 13 размещений на бирже через SPAC.К настоящему моменту закрыто уже шесть слияний. По данным SPAC Research, только две другие компании провели больше обратных слияний, чем Коэн и партнеры. В статье отмечается, что в настоящее время многие отечественные компании стремятся обрести публичный статус. Один из самых популярных путей – первоначальные публичные предложения акций (initial public offerings, IPO). Однако для ряда компаний может стать актуальным другой путь – обратные поглощения (reverse merger, RM). В статье отмечается популярность RM и IPO, определена суть сделок RM и их типы, рассмотрены основные виды компаний-оболочек, проведено сравнение RM и IPO.

Эти фирмы не торгуются, у них нет оборотов, нет долгов и нет номинального количества акционеров. Их цель трейдеры миллионеры идентична SPAC, но такие компании не обременены формальными структурами, они могут быстро заключить сделку, поскольку не требуется собрания акционеров, так как часто есть только один или два акционера. Ситуация после слияния харак­теризуется более низкими средними затратами (линия АС2); но цена устанавливается на уровне, который превышает не только АС2, но и АС1(т. е. цена выше, чем при конкуренции, несмотря на действие экономии от масштаба). В таких об­стоятельствах необходимо определить соотношение между уменьшением излишка потребителя, вызванного повышением цены (заштрихованная площадь А1 ) и выгодой от экономии затрат для производителя (заштрихованная площадь А2). Если А1превышает А2, то слияние следует запретить; если же А2 пре­вышает A1, то слияние следует разрешить.

Возможно, эти результаты объясняются тем, что инвестиции в компанию после обратного поглощения являются довольно рискованными, учитывая неполное раскрытие информации и сам факт выхода компании на рынок нетрадиционным способом. Поэтому инвесторы ожидают соответствующий высокий уровень доходности от вложений, который зачастую сложно обеспечить. Если ожидания инвесторов не оправдаются, они могут начать массово продавать акции компании, что на неликвидном рынке приводит к обвальному падению котировок. Публичной компании полностью в пользу акционеров частной компании. Публичная компания в обмен на вновь выпущенные акции получает 100 % акций частной компании. В результате публичная компания владеет всеми акциями частной компании, а бывшие собственники частной компании теперь контролируют публичную компанию.

Она и ее супруг, который тоже был акционером, заработали около $50 млн (после вычета налогов). Коэн, которой тогда было 57 лет, еще несколько месяцев руководила подразделением Jefferson, но уже присматривалась к зарождающейся индустрии финтеха и скоро нашла свой новый проект — цифровые банковские услуги для небанковских компаний. 1) Прошёл один год с момента подачи эмитентом информации по Форме 10, которая отражает его статус как лица, которое больше не является компанией-оболочкой. Также примером Clean Cash Shells являются компании-оболочки, называемые Form 10.

What happens to bank shares after merger?

The new company formed as a result of the M&A will issue new shares after both companies surrender their existing shares. In the case of an acquisition, the acquiring company's shares are not affected. The company that gets acquired stops trading its stocks in the market.

AI News

Scientists Used AI to Discover Elephants Call Each Other by Names

Beckers names VUMC a leading health system in AI

bot names

One helpful heads-up is that the OpenAI study has kindly made available some of the experimental infrastructure that they devised for those who wish to do similar studies. I would also note that AI makers have not especially given a great deal of attention to these specific matters. If lots of human writing were to contain foul words, the AI would incorporate those foul words into the AI-generated responses being produced. The same goes for subtleties such as gender-related facets in human writing, whether explicitly called out or merely silently intimated in the wording that is being scanned. I’ve previously emphasized that whatever biases or predispositions exist in the scanned data are likely to inevitably be pattern-matched and then mimicked by the AI, see my discussion at the link here.

“The advent of generative AI, coupled with simulation and digital twins technology, is at a tipping point right now, and that combination is going to change the trajectory of robotics,” Talla during the discussion. “What about if the main advancement in the model was that the AI model could follow a ‘chain of thought’ and ‘reason’ in a way previous models couldn’t? What names would you suggest then?” BI asked. It has “enhanced reasoning capabilities” and was trained to spend more time thinking before responding, much like humans. Despite our differences, humans and elephants share many similarities such as “extended family units with rich social lives, underpinned by highly developed brains”, the CEO of Save the Elephants, Frank Pope, said. This suggests that elephants and humans are the only two animals known to invent “arbitrary” names for each other, rather than merely copying the sound of the recipient. Using a machine-learning algorithm, they identified 469 distinct calls, which included 101 elephants issuing a call and 117 receiving one.

Namecheap’s offerings in this domain space are notable for their competitive pricing, making it a go-to choice for businesses and individuals keen on securing a relevant and impactful online presence without overspending. Looka is an AI-powered design platform that specializes in creating professional logos and branding materials. While it’s primarily known for its logo design capabilities, Looka also offers a business name generator.

How DOD will help agencies comply with the White House’s new rules for AI in national security

Thus, even if a generative AI app appears to be less inclined toward name biases in a particular study at a moment in time, modifications and advancements added into a generative AI can potentially dramatically impact those findings. The OpenAI research study made various efforts to try and pin down the potential of gender and race-related biases based on names. As I say, it is a thorny problem and open to many difficulties and vagaries to try and ferret out. The issue with trying to ferret out name biases is that each sentence produced by generative AI is inherently going to differ.

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While dolphins and parrots have been observed addressing each other by mimicking the sound of others from their species, elephants are the first non-human animals known to use names that do not involve imitation, the researchers suggested. Earlier this year, Pfizer appointed a former Stellantis and Nvidia executive as its chief AI and analytics officer. At Mount Sinai, Fuchs worked to create AI tools that could help improve patient diagnosis and treatment, as well as make healthcare administration more efficient. Thomas Fuchs, until now the dean and department chair for AI and human health at Mount Sinai, will start in the role on Oct. 21, Lilly said.

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Verify will share activity documentation for other fact-checkers to use as a blueprint. The Stage will focus its project on developing its WhatsApp Business App tip line service and expanding it to make it available for the Pidgin-speaking audience in Liberia. Liberia is home to around 3 million Pidgin speakers, yet the community remains underserved for reliable news and fact-checking, with the majority of media publishing in English. The program includes training and mentoring for the staff of The Stage on WhatsApp use; establishment of a Pidgin channel; and WhatsApp tipline monitoring and publishing. The project’s overarching goal is to create a better model for an effective citizen and fact-checker collaboration against AI-generated disinformation.

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It’s a convenient way to start your e-commerce journey with a strong brand identity. Beyond domain registration, IONOS’s service portfolio includes a variety of web hosting solutions such as shared, VPS, dedicated, and ASP.NET hosting. They also cater to WordPress users with specialized hosting plans that offer additional benefits like free domain names and SSL certificates. The emphasis on flexibility is evident in their customizable updates for core, theme, plugin, and PHP versions, alongside the development of a site migration tool for importing existing projects. The company has made a significant mark in the domain registration field, especially with .AI domains. The .AI extension, initially the country code top-level domain for Anguilla, has gained immense popularity, particularly among tech companies and startups in the artificial intelligence sector.

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Davidson most recently served as chief architect at MiR, where he guided the technical direction for the new MiR1200 Pallet Jack. His broad application of AI spans diverse projects, Teradyne pointed out, from implementing Google’s pioneering AI-generated ads and developing healthcare fraud detection systems at MITRE to advancing robotics in various forms. A wide variety of AI tools are used by NASA to benefit humanity from supporting missions and research projects across the agency, analyzing data to reveal trends and patterns, and developing systems capable of supporting spacecraft and aircraft autonomously. A machine learning model helped the researchers interpret each call’s acoustic structure to determine which elephant was being addressed. This wouldn’t have been possible without the help of AI, because humans alone aren’t able to detect and differentiate patterns in the elephant rumblings, Michael Pardo, a lead author on the study told Business Insider.

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The Defense Department announced that Radha Plumb will replace inaugural chief Craig Martell, who has held the position since 2022, in April as DOD’s chief digital and AI officer. Plumb is currently serving as the deputy secretary of Defense for acquistion and sustainment. Martell was appointed to the job by Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks in 2022 to develop a strategy for DOD, he said. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data.

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Even so, the researchers wanted to assess the likelihood that generative AI models will fabulate bogus packages. So they used 16 popular LLMs, both commercial and open source, to generate 576,000 code samples in JavaScript and Python, which rely respectively on the npm and PyPI package repositories. As CDAO for both the Air and Space Forces, Davenport is responsible for ensuring the department is “AI-ready” by 2025 and “AI-competitive” ChatGPT App by 2027, as well as promoting the ethical use of artificial intelligence and related technologies. She will also be tasked with developing and implementing enterprise data management, analytics and digital transformation strategies that will improve the DAF’s performance initiatives. Davenport has over three decades of experience working in government, including several roles at the National Reconnaissance Office and the Air Force.

  • “Hallucinations present a critical obstacle to the effective and safe deployment of LLMs in public-facing applications due to their potential to generate inaccurate or misleading information.”
  • For example, AI-powered tools such as chatbots, virtual assistants and automated scheduling software can handle customer inquiries, appointment bookings and routine communications, giving human workers more time to manage more strategic tasks.
  • That continues to be the case when it comes to AI, but there isn’t yet the same depth of research that exists in other categories.
  • Scientists using AI tools have discovered that elephants likely have unique names for each other, according to a new study.
  • In this role, he said he hopes to effectively harness AI in scientific discoveries and accelerate science by tackling complex scientific challenges more efficiently.

By considering factors like keyword relevance and brand-ability, WPBeginner’s name generator can help you choose a name that will enhance your online presence. Logopony is a comprehensive branding solution that offers both name generation and logo design services. It generates thousands of name suggestions based on your input keywords and checks domain and social media handle availability. Once you’ve selected a name, Logopony’s AI-powered logo design tool can help you create a visually appealing logo to complement your brand identity. This integrated approach makes Logopony a convenient choice for entrepreneurs seeking a complete branding package.

But when names were called out, it was often over a long distance, and when adults were addressing young elephants. The announcement comes the same week as scientists working on AI models won Nobel Prizes in chemistry and in physics, achievements that showcase the field’s ChatGPT rapid advances as well as its applications to scientific problems like how proteins fold into 3D structures. For the first time ever, Military Sealift Command is hosting a virtual job fair to reach US Citizens in the Philippines who are interested in a maritime career.

Hostinger offers domain registration services for an impressive array of over 3,000 international domain extensions, including the increasingly popular .AI domains. This wide selection caters to a diverse clientele, ranging from businesses in the artificial intelligence field to individuals seeking a unique online identity. The company’s platform is particularly noted for its user-friendly interface, making domain management and hosting account administration straightforward and accessible to users of all skill levels. NameSnack is a powerful AI-powered business name generator that helps entrepreneurs discover unique, memorable, and available business names. By leveraging machine learning and various naming techniques, NameSnack instantly generates creative name ideas based on your input keywords.

Within each of these types of interactions, the researchers found evidence that elephants address each other with name-like calls specific to each individual — the first time similar behavior has been observed outside humans. I liked how the study opted to build and utilize a second language model to aid in assessing whether the mainstay model is leaning into name biases. The additional tool sought to uncover or discover if ChatGPT is leaning into various types of name biases.

bot names

Namecheap’s commitment to customer service is another cornerstone of its reputation. Known for responsive and reliable support, the company ensures that clients receive the assistance they need, when they need it. bot names This level of customer care is crucial in an industry where timely and effective support can make a significant difference. Few vendors think through the IMPLICATIONS of a potential name or one its components.

With extensive experience in both generative AI and in the media and entertainment industries, Hanno will play a critical role in driving the business forward during the next chapter of its growth. His previous roles include CTO of Microsoft Azure Media and Entertainment, where he oversaw the implementation of Microsoft’s Azure cloud technology, as well as edge and AI technologies, and previously as CTO at 20th Century Fox Film Corp. Hanno is a proud member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and a Fellow of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers and has been awarded 30 separate patents. Further compounding the problem, the researchers found that humans are bad at evaluating LLM answers – classifying incorrect answers as correct from around 10 to 40 percent of the time. Researchers from University of Texas at San Antonio, University of Oklahoma, and Virginia Tech recently looked at 16 LLMs used for code generation to explore their penchant for making up package names. You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. The term describes autonomous machine “agents” that move beyond query-and-response generative chatbots to do enterprise-related tasks without human guidance.

In previous leadership appointments, Dr. Shahshahani served at Verizon Media/Yahoo from 2014–2021 as Vice President of Advertising Science, Search & Ad Targeting Engineering, and later as Head of Yahoo Research. Before that, he led teams at Google focused on targeting and ad campaign optimization. His technology career also includes past roles at Nuance and IBM with expertise that spans research and engineering in machine learning and AI, in areas such as search, advertising, speech, natural language processing, and personalization. Maldita has a mature WhatsApp service to verify content submitted by users, but the volume of queries means that not all content can be fact-checked. Meanwhile, disinformation narratives circulate and are reinforced at a speed much higher than fact-checkers’ capacity to tackle specific content. Maldita intends to use AI-improvements and large language models (LLMs) to better analyze and identify disinformation narratives that evolve and change through time.

AI News

How to create tickets in Zendesk from a conversation in Intercom with Custom Actions

Zendesk vs Intercom Head to Head Comparison in 2024

zendesk to intercom

Intercom’s AI has the transformative power to enhance customer service by offering multilingual support and contextual responses. AI-driven chatbot Fin is designed to automate consumer interactions. Fin uses seamless communication across customer bases, breaking language barriers and catering to global audiences. The integration of apps plays a significant role in creating a seamless experience or a 360-degree view of customers across the company. Zendesk allows the integration of 1300 apps ranging from billing apps, marketing tools, and other software, adding overall to the value of the business. It also excels in the silo approach in a company and allows easy access to information to anyone in the company through this integration.

Zendesk is not far behind Intercom when it comes to email features. There is a simple email integration tool for whatever email provider you regularly use. This gets you unlimited email addresses and email templates in both text form and HTML. There is automatic email archiving and incoming email authentication. Intercom has a full suite of email marketing tools, although they are part of a pricier package.

Customerly is a forward-thinking, all-in-one customer service platform. Similar to Zendesk, Intercom’s pricing reserves its most powerful automations for higher-paying customers, the good news is that Fin AI comes with all plans. You can then add features like advanced AI agents, workforce management, and QA.

You can use these features to create custom funnels, segment users based on specific behaviors, and automate personalized communications. Zendesk Sell provides robust CRM features such as lead tracking, task management, and workflow automation. Not to mention its advanced reporting capabilities, customizable dashboards, and seamless mobile app experience for an always-on approach to service. When it’s intelligent and accessible, reporting can provide deep insights into your customer interactions, agent efficiency, and service quality at a glance. Zendesk’s reporting tools are arguably more advanced while Intercom is designed for simplicity and ease of use.

To save you time, we’ve automatically mapped appropriate ones, and set others to skip so you can just bring over the fields you want to. The three tiers—Suite Team, Suite Growth, and Suite Professional—also give you more options outside of Intercom’s static structure. Suite Team is more affordable than Intercom’s $79/month tier; Suite Professional is more expensive. Overall, Zendesk wins out on plan flexibility, especially given that it has a lower price plan for dipping your toes in the water. We give the edge to Zendesk here, as it’s typically aimed for more complex environments. It’s also more exclusively focused on providing help support, whereas Intercom sometimes moonlights as being part-time sales.

Yes it’s possible to import your Zendesk ticket, user and organization data more than once. Keep in mind that, if something has changed in Zendesk since your previous import, it will be reflected if you reimport. Upon subsequent imports, old imported data will be overwritten, duplicates will not be created. Once you’re happy with your setup, click the migrate button to start your migration. If you’re not quite ready yet, you can just save your draft at any time, and get back to it later.

Ultimately, your choice should reflect whether your priority is comprehensive customer support (Zendesk) or a blend of CRM and sales support (Intercom). You can access detailed customer data at a glance while chatting, enabling you to make informed decisions in real time. The customer journey timeline provides a clear view of customer activities, helping you understand behaviors and tailor your responses accordingly. Aura AI transcends the limits of traditional chatbots that typically struggle with anything but the simplest user queries. Instead, Aura AI continuously learns from your knowledge base and canned responses, growing and learning — just like a real-life agent.

This means it’s a customer relationship management platform rather than anything else. Zendesk also has an Answer Bot, instantly taking your knowledge base game to the next level. It can automatically suggest relevant articles for agents to share during business hours with clients, reducing your support agents’ workload. So when it comes to chatting features, the choice is not really Intercom vs Zendesk.

What is a ticketing system? (+3 ways companies use them)

CoinJar is one of the longest-running cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. To help keep up with its growing customer base, CoinJar turned to Zendesk for a user-friendly and easily scalable solution after testing other CRMs, including Pipedrive and HubSpot. Leveraging the sequencing and bulk email features of the Zendesk sales CRM, CoinJar increased its visibility and productivity at scale. Zendesk provides its partners with quality support and educational resources, including online training and certification programs, helping turn any salesperson into a Zendesk expert. Conversely, some Pipedrive users have issues working with Pipedrive, with users describing their support and onboarding experiences as slow and limited. Zendesk is one of the biggest players in the realm of customer support platforms.

There are also several different Shopify integrations to choose from, as well as CRM integrations like HubSpot and Salesforce. Intercom’s dashboards may not be as aesthetically pleasing as Zendesk’s, but they still allow users to navigate their tools with few distractions. Currently based in Albuquerque, NM, Bryce Emley holds an MFA in Creative Writing from NC State and nearly a decade of writing and editing experience. When he isn’t writing content, poetry, or creative nonfiction, he enjoys traveling, baking, playing music, reliving his barista days in his own kitchen, camping, and being bad at carpentry. Intercom does have a ticketing dashboard that has omnichannel functionality, much like Zendesk. Their reports are attractive, dynamic, and integrated right out of the box.

It’s important that the user performing the migration has Admin access in Zendesk. Admins have the necessary permissions needed to view and manage Zendesk data. And considering how appropriate Zendesk is for larger companies, there’s a good chance you may need to take them up on that. Though Intercom chat window says that their team typically replies in a few hours, I received the answer in a couple of minutes. Their agent was always trying to convert me into a lead along the way, but heck, that’s a side effect of our job.

Zendesk Sunshine is a separate feature set that focuses on unified customer views. Your typical Zendesk review will often praise the platform’s simplicity and affordability, as well as its constant updates and rolling out of new features, like Zendesk Sunshine. For example, you can read in many Zendesk Sell reviews how adding sales tools benefits Zendesk Support users. Customerly’s Helpdesk is designed to boost efficiency and collaboration with the help of AI.

In addition, some of the services Zendesk offers have a free plan (find them below in the tables). Email notifications will be suspended automatically during the migration. This ensures your customers won’t receive email notifications from tickets they made in the past. We hope that this Intercom VS Zendesk comparison helps you choose one that matches your support, marketing, and sales needs. But in case you are in search of something beyond these two, then ProProfs Chat can be an option.

The latter offers a chat widget that is simple, outdated, and limited in customization options, while the former puts all of its resources into its messenger. Their help desk software has a single inbox to handle customer inquiries. Your customer service agents can leave private notes for each other and enjoy automatic ticket assignments to the right specialists. It’s designed so well that you really enjoy staying in their inbox and communicating with clients. As a Zendesk user, you’re familiar with tickets – you’ll be able to continue using these in Intercom. The last thing you want is your sales data or the contact information of potential customers to end up in the wrong hands.

Step 1. Create authentication with Zendesk

But I like that Zendesk just feels slightly cleaner, has easy online/away toggling, more visual customer journey notes, and a handy widget for exploring the knowledge base on the fly. Your agents will love the seamless assistance Aura AI provides throughout the entire customer interaction. From handling multiple questions to avoiding dreaded customer-stuck loops, Aura AI is the Swiss Army Knife of customer service chatbots. Intercom’s CRM features include customer journey tracking, custom data parameters, and list segmentation, which are useful for targeted marketing and engagement.

Moreover, the pricing model ensures customer transparency and reveals the costs that businesses will incur. Zendesk and Intercom offer a free trial of 14 days, but you will eventually have to choose once the trial ends. The pricing strategies are covered below so you can analyze the pricing structure and select your customer service software. Zendesk TCO is lower than Intercom due to its ability to scale, which does not require additional cost to update the software for a growing business. It also has a transparent pricing model so businesses know the price they will incur. Lastly, the tool is easy to set up and implement, meaning no additional knowledge or expertise makes the businesses incur additional costs.

Any business knows that the front desk is where everything happens. It’s where customers ask the questions that may result in the largest sales in your company’s history. Test any of HelpCrunch pricing plans for free for 14 days and see our tools in action right away. Say what you will, but Intercom’s design and overall user experience are leaving all its competitors far behind. It’s beautifully crafted and thought through, and their custom-made illustrations are just next level stuff.

You can test any of HelpCrunch’s pricing plans for free for 14 days and see our tools in action immediately. To sum up this Intercom vs Zendesk battle, the latter is a great support-oriented tool that will be a good choice for big teams with various departments. Intercom feels modern and is more client-success-oriented, but it can be too costly for smaller companies. To resolve common customer questions with the vendor’s new tool, Fin bot, you must pay $0.99 per resolution per month. So yeah, all the features talk actually brings us to the most sacred question — the question of pricing.

Suite Professional Plan

If you thought Zendesk prices were confusing, let me introduce you to Intercom prices. At first glance, they seem like simple three packages for small, medium, and big businesses. But it’s virtually impossible to predict what you’ll pay for Intercom at the end of the day. They charge not only for customer service representative seats but also for feature usage and offer tons of features as custom add-ons at additional cost.

Australian startup Brainfish lures $3.85m for lightning fast AI chatbot – Forbes Australia

Australian startup Brainfish lures $3.85m for lightning fast AI chatbot.

Posted: Tue, 07 May 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Your migrated tickets and conversations can be viewed in Help Desk, while users and organizations can be viewed in Contacts. Comments and tickets from these users will be mapped to the default user selected. Any custom states created in Zendesk will be mapped to their nearest appropriate state above. You can create custom states in Intercom, but mapping custom states to custom states is currently not supported.

Considering all the features of Zendesk, including robust ticketing, messaging, a help center, and chatbots, we can say that Zendesk excels in being the top customer support platform. It is a reliable and effective software for businesses of all sizes. It can also handle complex interactions and provide real-time insight to customer support agents. Overall, Intercom is a better option if personalized and robust chatbots are something you are looking for when managing customer support strategy.

Pipedrive offers five total plans, with their entry-level Essential plan offering significantly fewer features than the others. For example, bulk email send, email templates, email scheduling, and automation features are only available to those who purchase the Advanced plan and above. With Zendesk, even https://chat.openai.com/ our most basic plans include a robust selection of features, including custom data fields, sales triggers, email tracking, text messaging, and call tracking and recording. Basically, provides you with a knowledge base to create, organize, and store the articles that answer your customers’ questions.

Integrating AI in the help center helps agents find answers to customer inquiries, providing a seamless customer experience. Zendesk’s AI offers automated responses to customer inquiries, increasing the team’s productivity, as they can spend time on the most crucial things. The Expert plan, which offers collaboration, real-time dashboard, security, and reporting tools for large teams, costs $139.

Not to brag 😏, but we specifically developed our platform to address the shortcomings in the current market. By going with Customerly for your customer service needs, you can get the best of both worlds (Zendesk and Intercom), plus some extra features and benefits you haven’t even thought of, yet. Just keep in mind that, while Intercom’s upfront pricing may seem cheaper, there are additional costs to factor in. When factoring in AI-first tools for all agents, multi-channel campaigns, and proactive support, it could easily cost significantly more than Zendesk. Zendesk offers a slightly broader selection of plans, with an enterprise solution for customers with bespoke needs. Powered by AI, Intercom’s Fin chatbot is purportedly capable of solving 50% of all queries autonomously — in multiple languages.

For example, you can set a sales trigger to automatically change the owner of a deal based on the specific conditions you select. That way, your sales team won’t have to worry about manually updating these changes as they work through a deal. A messenger platform that helps engage customers on your website or app. It provides bots and chats automation features to make communication with clients more efficient. Intercom is a customer support messenger, bot, and live chat service provider that empowers its clients to provide instant support in real-time. This SaaS leader entered into the competition in 2011, intending to help its clients reach their target audiences and engage them in a conversation right away.

  • If that’s not detailed enough, then surely their visitor browsing details will leave you surprised.
  • To save you time, we’ve automatically mapped appropriate ones, and set others to skip so you can just bring over the fields you want to.
  • Plus, Intercom’s modern, smooth interface provides a comfortable environment for agents to work in.

Fin’s advanced algorithm and machine learning enable the precision handling of queries. Fin enables businesses to set new standards for offering customer service. On the other hand, Intercom’s chatbots have more advanced features but do not sacrifice simplicity and ease of use. It helps businesses create highly personalized chatbots for interactive customer communication. Zendesk wins the major category of help desk and ticketing system software.

Zendesk would be a perfect option for businesses that are searching for a well-integrated support system. It offers a suite that compiles help desk, live chat, and knowledge base to their user base. This enables them to speed up the support process and build experiences that customers like. Zendesk directly competes with Intercom when it comes to integrations. This live chat service provider offers 200+ integrations to its user base.

It lets customers reach out via messaging, a live chat tool, voice, and social media. Zendesk supports teams that can then field these issues from a nice unified dashboard. Zendesk has great intelligent routing and escalation protocols as well. Far from impersonalizing customer service, chatbots offer an immediate and efficient way to address common queries that end in satisfaction.

Zendesk also allows Advanced AI and Advanced data privacy and protection plans, which cost $50 per month for each Advanced add-on. The offers that appear on the website are from software Chat GPT companies from which CRM.org receives compensation. This compensation may impact how and where products appear on this site (including, for example, the order in which they appear).


If compared to Intercom’s chatbot, Zendesk offers a relatively latest platform that makes support automation possible. So far, the chatbot can transfer chats to agents or resolve less complex queries in seconds. That means all you have to do is add the code to your website zendesk to intercom and enable it right away. Intercom offers a simplistic dashboard with a detailed view of all customer details in one place. Operators will find its dashboard quite beneficial as it will take them seconds to find necessary features during an ongoing chat with the customers.

However, if you aim to nurture leads and grow sales, then Intercom is the better option. Its AI-powered tools and virtual assistants make it a formidable CRM-powered software. This structure may appeal to businesses with specific needs but could be less predictable for budget-conscious organizations. Zendesk fully utilizes AI tools to enhance user experiences at every stage of the customer journey. Its AI chatbots leverage machine learning to gain a deeper understanding of customer interactions.

zendesk to intercom

With Intercom, you get email features like targeted and personalized outbound emailing, dynamic content fields, and an email-to-inbox forwarding feature. When it comes to self-service portals for things like knowledgebases, Intercom has a useful set of resources. Intercom also has a community forum where users can help one another with questions and solutions. Intercom has more customization features for features like bots, themes, triggers, and funnels. Unlike Zendesk, which requires more initial setup for advanced automation, Customerly’s out-of-the-box automation features are designed to be user-friendly and easily customizable.

According to the Zendesk Customer Experience Trends Report 2023, 78 percent of business leaders want to combine their customer service and sales data. The Zendesk sales CRM integrates seamlessly with the Zendesk Suite, our top-of-the-line customer service software. Unlike Zendesk, Pipedrive is limited to third-party integrations and doesn’t connect with native customer support software. Both software solutions offer core customer service features like live chat for sales, help desk management capabilities, and customer self-service options like a knowledge base. They’re also known for their user-friendly interfaces and reliable support team.

Conversations allow you to chat to your customers in a personal way. Use them to quickly resolve customer question on, for example, how to use your product. You can then create linked tickets for any bug reports or issues that require further troubleshooting by technical teams. With simple setup, and handy importers you’ll be up and running in no time, ready to unlock the Support Funnel and deliver fast and personal customer support.

You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. But it’s also a given that many people will approach their reviews to Zendesk and Intercom with some specific missions in mind, and that’s bound to change how they feel about the platforms. But Intercom’s friendliness for growing companies is something you can’t afford to ignore. If your business is established and you need to cut down on those ticket resolution times, Zendesk may be worth it.

On the other hand, Intercom shines with its advanced AI-driven automation and insightful analytics, perfect for those who value seamless communication and in-app messaging. Consider which features align best with your business needs to make the right choice. Unlike Intercom, Zendesk is scalable, intuitively designed for CX, and offers a low total cost of ownership. Zendesk excels with its powerful ticketing and customer support capabilities, making it ideal for streamlining service operations. Zendesk offers your agents a unified workspace to collaborate on support tickets.

Use create same field in Intercom and we’ll automatically take care of it for you. If that’s not detailed enough, then surely their visitor browsing details will leave you surprised. Zendesk maps out each activity a visitor performs on your website. This enables your operators to understand visitor intent faster and provide them with a personalized experience. Sure, you can have a front desk—but you don’t necessarily have to plunk down the cost it would take to buy that desk, train an employee, and add them to your payroll. On practice, I can’t promise you anything when it comes to Intercom.

So, you can get the best of both worlds without choosing between Intercom or Zendesk. In this paragraph, let’s explain some common issues users usually ask about when choosing between Zendesk and Intercom platforms. Zendesk is a ticketing system before anything else, and its ticketing functionality is overwhelming in the best possible way. When you switch from Zendesk, you can also create dynamic macros to speed up your response time to common queries, like feature requests and bug reports.

These weaknesses are not as significant as the features and functionalities Zendesk offers its users. The pricing structure of Intercom is complex, making it difficult for Intercom users to understand their final costs. Intercom charges the price based on representative seats and people reached, with additional expenses for add-ons. Businsses need to do a cost analysis whenever they select customer service software for their business. You cannot invest much in this software if you are a small business, as it would exceed the budget requirements. The help center in Intercom is also user-friendly, enabling agents to access content creation easily.

It means that Zendesk’s prices are slightly easier to figure out than Intercom’s. You’ll also need to choose a default team and teammate for when mappings aren’t possible. In these scenarios, we’ll map the team and teammate to the default selected. Once you have connected your Zendesk account, you can choose the data you’d like to import. Enter the URL of your Zendesk account in the field provided, then click to migrate or import.

If you’re a huge corporation with a complicated customer support process, go Zendesk for its help desk functionality. If you’re smaller more sales oriented startup with enough money, go Intercom. In comparison, Intercom’s reporting and analytics are limited in scope when it comes to consumer behavior metrics, custom reporting, and custom metrics. If you own a business, you’re in a fierce battle to deliver personalized customer experiences that stand out. See for yourself how transforming your customer support can help improve ROI. Intercom has limited scalability compared to Zendesk, which is unsuitable for large-scale enterprises.

How to Integrate Webhooks with Zendesk

You’ll need to have a ticket type setup for both Customer and Back-office tickets before you import. When you choose to import tickets, you’ll be able to bring over all your existing Zendesk tickets. A Zendesk ticket can either be public or private so a ticket will be migrated to a Customer ticket or Back-office ticket respectively in Intercom. Once chosen, select what fields you want to migrate, and what these should be mapped to.

zendesk to intercom

As the name suggests, it’s a more sales-oriented solution with robust contact and deal management tools as well. With this data, businesses identify friction points where the customer journey breaks down as well as areas where it’s performing smoothly. This organization is important because it brings together customer interactions from all channels in this one place.

zendesk to intercom

As the more recent of the two, offering a modern look-and-feel and frictionless experience is a key magnet for Intercom. It effortlessly brings together in-app chat, automated chatbots, and a unified inquiry inbox in its help center. While its integrations are not as far-reaching as Zendesk’s, it seamlessly works with modern communication and business tools, like WhatsApp and the most prominent CRMS.

Let us dive deeper into the offerings of Zendesk and Intercom to make a comparison at a glance. This comparison is going to help you understand the features of both tools. No matter what Zendesk Suite plan you are on, you get workflow triggers, which are simple business rules-based actions to streamline many tasks. You get call recording, muting and holding, conference calling, and call blocking. Zendesk also offers callback requests, call monitoring and call quality notifications, among other telephone tools.

Intercom, on the other hand, offers more advanced automation features than Zendesk. It allows businesses to automate a wide range of business interactions. Its automation tools help companies see automated responses and triggers based on the customer journey and response time. Intercom’s automation features enable businesses to deliver a personalized experience to customers and scale their customer support function effectively.

The Essential customer support plan for individuals, startups, and businsses costs $39. This plan includes a shared inbox, unlimited articles, proactive support, and basic automation. Intercom’s messaging platform is very similar to Zendesk’s dashboard, offering seamless integration of multiple channels in one place for managing customer interactions. Although Intercom offers an omnichannel messaging dashboard, it has slightly less functionality than Zendesk.

zendesk to intercom

Plus, visit tagging and geolocation features allow your sales team to effortlessly log in-person sales visits, letting you monitor all your sales interactions in one centralized place. Pipedrive provides a mobile app to manage sales leads, view your calendar, and access your to-do list. And while Pipedrive’s mobile app can help you look at where your leads are on the map, you won’t be able to log sales visits using geolocation features. The Zendesk Support app gives you access to live Intercom customer data in Zendesk, and lets you create new tickets in Zendesk directly from Intercom conversations.

Zendesk and Intercom offer basic features, including live chat, a help desk, and a pre-built knowledge base. They have great UX and a normal pricing range, making it difficult for businesses to choose one, as both software almost looks similar in their offerings. As a customer support specialist, you may need to manage multiple tools to provide excellent support to your customers. If you use both Intercom and Zendesk, you can streamline your workflow and improve customer service by integrating them through Custom Actions.